Saturday, July 30, 2011

Still Keeping the Faith ( Barely )

 Well, July is turning out to be another eventful month in my list of disasters. So far we have had our cable turned off, the A/C still doesn't work, we have run completely out of gas for the stove, we are using the Bar-B-que grill to cook on (and it is about to run out of propane too ), I still haven't heard anything from SSID and to make things worse my GF's daughter had an accident and the insurance company said our policy expired three weeks ago. The only good thing about that is the officer at the scene charged the other person with the accident.
   And to top things off, our new puppy has decided to take out her frustrations on us for leaving her home alone by forgetting she is house broken.
   And don't let me forget that my GF's foodstamp allotment has been reduced to $16 a month. Woo-Hoo we ought to be able to feed a family of three with that for about  a whole one day.
   My daughter Krystal can't seem to find a decent place to live that is within her means and continues to date illegal immigrants . All she tells me is that at least they aren't negros.
  Sometimes I have to wonder what it is that I have done in this life or a previous one that is causing me to suffer all this grief. I try my best to assist as many people as I can in any way I can. I try not to hold a grudge or be insensitive to others peoples needs as much as I can. I pray to God to please help me to find my way. If this is a test of my faith . I hope I am at least receiving a passing grade.
  If anyone is reading these postings that has a solution that I can attempt I hope they will notify me in some way to give me instruction. I hope also, that the Lord will see me struggling soon and will give me the assistance I seek to be able to get my life and my finances back in order. I am a humble man and do not need the extravagant things in life. All I ask is that I receive the things to which I am entitled. 

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