Saturday, July 30, 2011

Still Keeping the Faith ( Barely )

 Well, July is turning out to be another eventful month in my list of disasters. So far we have had our cable turned off, the A/C still doesn't work, we have run completely out of gas for the stove, we are using the Bar-B-que grill to cook on (and it is about to run out of propane too ), I still haven't heard anything from SSID and to make things worse my GF's daughter had an accident and the insurance company said our policy expired three weeks ago. The only good thing about that is the officer at the scene charged the other person with the accident.
   And to top things off, our new puppy has decided to take out her frustrations on us for leaving her home alone by forgetting she is house broken.
   And don't let me forget that my GF's foodstamp allotment has been reduced to $16 a month. Woo-Hoo we ought to be able to feed a family of three with that for about  a whole one day.
   My daughter Krystal can't seem to find a decent place to live that is within her means and continues to date illegal immigrants . All she tells me is that at least they aren't negros.
  Sometimes I have to wonder what it is that I have done in this life or a previous one that is causing me to suffer all this grief. I try my best to assist as many people as I can in any way I can. I try not to hold a grudge or be insensitive to others peoples needs as much as I can. I pray to God to please help me to find my way. If this is a test of my faith . I hope I am at least receiving a passing grade.
  If anyone is reading these postings that has a solution that I can attempt I hope they will notify me in some way to give me instruction. I hope also, that the Lord will see me struggling soon and will give me the assistance I seek to be able to get my life and my finances back in order. I am a humble man and do not need the extravagant things in life. All I ask is that I receive the things to which I am entitled. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday Mail Call

   Well, it's another hot day in Florida ! Nothing in the mail today exciting. Looks like I am going to be spending another day sitting around entering sweepstakes. Hopefully I will be able to win something that will hold me over while I continue to wait for SSD. They turned off my cable box today, wonder how long it will take now for them to turn the cable off all together.
    We ended up spending the evening with friends and family as we had a BBQ. The chicken and the ribs turned out great ! We have Charlene's grand-daughter spending the night with us. She is so funny how she loves to go in the hot tub and to play with the little girl next door. Sometimes I think she would come and live with uss if we would let her. I love her to pieces .But, I can only handle her for a couple of days at a time before she starts getting on my nerves. I guess that comes with getting older ( notice I didn't stop at old ).
    Hopefully tomorrow will bring a good day and we will be closer to figuring out how we can get our feet back on the ground in the near future. My horoscopes keep telling me that this will be my luckiest year. Crossing my fingers.
  Well I guess I will give it up for today and go to bed. Thank you Lord for this day and the many blessings I enjoy.

Friday, July 1, 2011

TGIF finally !!!

  I don't have anything to rant about today I guess. I was able to replace two heater hoses on Melissa's car yesterday without any incidence. I'm still waiting for Social Security Disability to approve me....again another day of mail without any news.I still believe that the LORD would never put more on my plate than I can handle. Although sometimes I believe that he has more confidence in me than I deserve. Even with the meds they give me for my depression it is getting harder every day to maintain a positive attitude.It is getting more and more uncomfortable for me to continue to sit around the house. My knee hurts constantly, as well as feeling unstable most of the time to walk on. I wake up with a back ache that stays with me like a birth mark. My teeth are falling out a little at a time ( I am always finding little pieces in my mouth ).
  I opened my email yesterday to find out that I had won a $100 gift card ( but, it still hasn't arrived ) . I also, won a $20 bonus today that was deposited in my PayPal account. I thank GOD every day for these little tidbits to try to help me while I still wait for my SSD to be approved.
  I guess I will get ready for bed . Hopefully tomorrow will bring a solution to my financial crisis I am experiencing right now.