Thursday, August 11, 2011

Somebody is continuing to test my faith

  Well, August is starting out with a bang ! My attorney notified me that my case is shaky at best since I don't have any documentation to support my disabilities. Then when I try to see a Dr. to support my current problems either they are a federally funded Health Agency or they won't fill out the forms because they aren't my current physician. I don't have a current physician because I don't have medicaid or health insurance because I am currently in an appeal of my SSDI due to the last decision by the Administrative Judge which did not rule favorably in my behalf. What a circle jerk this is becoming.
   Then to make matters worse, due to the a/c incident I discussed in my last post. The hearing was postponed till the 13th of September because they could not prove that he had been served. And today they shut off my electricity because I was unable to pay the enormous bill from the a/c malfunctioning. Although they ( Clay Electric ) had agreed to work with us as long as we agreed to give them every last cent we could lay our hands on till the bill was paid in full. They decided that what we were giving them was not enough and that what we needed was for them to incur even more frivolous charges to a bill we can't afford. Oh , and don't let me forget to mention that I burned up a 1/4 tank of precious gas trying to find a state or government agency that would help us. All to know avail . And everyone , I entered was already full to the doors with blacks and Hispanics. They all told me I was ineligible for assistance. How could I be ? Not only am I a Flag waving, ex-military, son of a veteran, native of this state, I was cursed with the fact that I am caucasion.
  It seems like every time we think we are about to figure out how to at least tread water till I can convince SSI that my disabilities are real. Somebody adds more water to the pool. Although I continue to try to keep a positive attitude about things, and hang on to the faintest glimmer of hope. I am starting to fear that if I do see a light at the end of the tunnel, it will probably be a runaway train.