Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Humpday !

   Today was in all a good day. I spent most of the day going across town with a friends trailer to pick up a bed for my GF's daughter. We were able to get it moved before the rains came. Which is finally becoming a daily event. I can't complain though as we desperately need the rain. I just wish that every time the a/c goes out in our house it isn't during the hottest time of the year.Hopefully when we go to the hearing next month at the Building and Licensing Dept. they will be able to force the company that scammed us out of our money for the repairs they were supposed to have done to pay for the repairs on our a/c.
    Once again the mail has come without any news from Social Security telling me that they are going to send me the dis-ability checks I have been waiting to get approved for since 2008.I don't understand how they expect me to continue to survive while I have no income. I have already sold everything I have ever bought when I was working before becoming dis-abled.
   At least I can continue to look forward to the mail coming to see if maybe I will receive any of the freebies I have applied for , or if maybe I have won a contest that doesn't require me to send any money to collect it. I wish Dave Sayer would hurry up and find my house as I am starting to lose confidence that I will ever win the PCH drawing.
   Well, that is about it for now, so, until I feel like adding something else I will sign out for now.